Early Congestion Control : Melhorando o Desempenho do TCP em Redes Sem Fio
Marcos Talau, Mauro Fonseca, Anelise Munaretto
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2015.20
Evento: XXXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2015)
Keywords: Wireless multihop networks transport control protocol active queue management
There have been many solutions for improving performance of TCP procotol over adhoc wireless networks. Several of these studies suggest changes in TCP, leading to changes in end points, which may be dif fi cult to implement. Other solutions seek to hide the problems in the TCP link, but which have proven to be ineffective. In order to improve TCP performance in these dynamic networks, this paper presents a cross-layer approach, implemented as an active queue management - AQM. The proposed method dynamically changes the value of window fi eld of TCP headers according to the rate of the router queue. The approach is TCP-Friendly. To assess the performance were conducted comparative tests with DropTail and the RED. The simulation results show that the new method improves throughput, delay and number of lossesDownload