On The Performance of Cognitive Full-Duplex Generalized Dynamic Network Coding
Samuel B. Mafra, Evelio M. G. Fernandez, Richard D. Souza, João L. Rebelatto, Samuel M. Sánchez
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2016.89
Evento: XXXIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2016)
Keywords: Cognitive radio Network coding Full-duplex
We propose a cognitive full-duplex network coding based scheme. The secondary cooperative network is composed of two secondary full-duplex users that cooperate to transmit their independent information to a common secondary destination. The transmit power is constrained by the maximum interference threshold accepted by the primary destination. We show through theoretical and numerical results that the proposed cognitive fullduplex scheme has the best performance in terms of outage probability, when compared with half-duplex network coding schemes, traditional cooperative techniques as well as to the direct non-cooperative transmission.Download