Estudo Estatístico dos Desvanecimentos Associados à Perda de Propagação Móvel no Bioma Cerrado
Paulo H. P. de Carvalho, Plínio R. G. Alves, Giovanni C. G. Alves, João P. Leite
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2015.16
Evento: XXXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2015)
Keywords: Cerrado long - term and short - term fading statistics shadowing Matlab
This paper presents the evaluation of the fading results on mobile propagation channel at distinct phytophysionomic and geomorphological sorts of cerrado biome. The tested frequencies were 144 and 435 MHz. The programming tasks were developed on Matlab language, release 2008. The methodology applied allowed to set up an appropriate margin level to be added at the estimated propagation path loss value. By doing this, the fading effects may be useful for planning mobile network in cerrado biome. The fading statistics on the forest environment in space - time domain allows, with a reasonable precision, to locali ze morphological structures that accentuate long - term fading. The characterization of the fading and the propagation path loss supports advanced mobile networks planning.Download