Use of Parabolic Equation Wide-Angle for calculation of Path Loss in Indoor Environment
Joao Furtado de Souza, Fatima Nazare Barauna Magno, Klaus Cozzolino, Gervasio Protasio dos Santos Cavalcante
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2016.95
Evento: XXXIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2016)
Keywords: Indoor Fourier Parabolic.
This paper proposes a model to calculate the propagation path loss in an indoor environment using parabolic equation wide angles relative to paraxial direction of propagation, resolving it using the Mixed Fourier Transform, and comparing the results with UWB model and Wall and Floor Propagation Losses Model. A campaign of measurements was carried out in two environments at frequencies of 900 MHz and 2.4 GHz. The average error in the Parabolic Equation Method is 4.64 dB and 4.24 dB and it is 3.94 dB and 2.88 dB for the ground floor and first floor, respectively for the two environments.Download