Beamforming of an E-shaped Linear Array for WLAN Systems Applying PSO Algorithm with Restrictive Approach
Vin´ıcius Ludwig-Barbosa, Marcelo P. Magalhaes, Edson R. Schlosser ˜ Renato Machado, Marcos V. T. Heckler
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2015.127
Evento: XXXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2015)
Keywords: — E-shaped microstrip antenna linear array Parti- cle Swarm Optimization switched-beam beamforming sidelobe level control
This paper presents a four-element linear array composed of E-shaped microstrip antennas designed to switched- beam application in WLAN systems. Particle Swarm Optimiza- tion (PSO) algorithm is applied to optimize the amplitude of the excitation currents applied to each array radiator aiming to yield four distinct beams with 25 dB suppression of sidelobes. For this application, it has been verified the necessity of a constraint of power applied to each radiator in the PSO optimization in order to improve the algorithm convergence and to achieve only feasible solutions which satisfy the imposed constraints.Download