Sistema de Localização de Fontes Sonoras Baseado em Algoritmo de Separação Cega
Luiz C. F. Nogueira, Mariane R. Petraglia
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2013.155
Evento: XXXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2013)
Keywords: Blind Source Localization Blind Source Separation Direction of Arrival
This article describes a system for blind sound source localization, which uses two pairs of omnidirectional microphones. The localization method is based on algorithms developed for blind source separation and estimation of the angle of arrival. The inaccuracy in the source localization is analyzed in terms of the distance between the microphones in each pair, the reverberation of the environment, the distance between the source and the pair of microphones, and the proximity of the sources. Guidelines for positioning the microphones are derived from the results of the analysis in order to render the blind source localization system more precise.Download