Bandwidth Enhancement of an Ultra Wide Band Planar Inverted F-Antenna
Pedro Paulo F. do Nascimento, Glauco Fontgalland, Raymundo de Amorim Júnior, Tagleorge M. Silveira, Rodrigo C. F. da Silva
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2018.135
Evento: XXXVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2018)
Keywords: Planar Inverted F-Antenna PIFA Simulation Enhancement Bandwidth
This paper presents the bandwidth enhancement of a Planar Inverted F-Antenna (PIFA) up to 1.55 GHz as results of adding slots in the radiator element of the structure. The SParameters, gain, and radiation pattern after analyzed were used for comparison purpose with a published PIFA model. The simulations were made using the commercial software CST Design Studio. As result, a bandwidth enhancement of approximately 53% was achieved.Download